Ad Veganism

Having read Stealth Infrastructure, I found myself constantly looking around for cell towers hiding in plain sight. I haven’t found too many yet, probably because of the massive ones that you can see in the distance from Olin. I definitely want to know more about the police access points. I... [Read More]


Rowan and I were originally going to make something based on Last Clouds by Karolina Sobecka using data from the Olin Public drive. However, we realized that to make something intentionally (instead of out of necessity) would take far longer than we had, so we pivoted to making a piece... [Read More]


All data is interpreted, but I don’t think that’s anything special about data. I have simultaneously a very high and very low standard for objectivity, depending on what exactly we define objectivity as. It comes down to math, which I can’t help but think of as objective. Lots of people... [Read More]

Autonomous Trap 001

Before I start to analyze Autonomous Trap 001 by James Bridle I should establish a few dearly held personal beliefs. I don’t like the idea of authorial intent. I dislike it because it puts too much focus on the individual who creates, taking away focus from the context in which... [Read More]

Bad Writers

I’m not sure I agree with everything that Micheal Mohammed Ahmad has to say about what makes someone a good writer or a bad writer, but I can definitely see where he’s coming from. As someone who is trying to help people learn to be better writers, it makes sense... [Read More]